The Chicks Have Arrived!

Two weeks ago, we added six baby chicks to the Casa Alpaca family. Meet Patty, Maxine, Laverne, Stella, Betty, and Mabel. These adorable little Buff Orpington chicks will provide the ranch with fresh eggs in a few months.
Until that time, they are living in a brooder box housed in the weaving studio. I spend more time watching their antics than I do getting weaving and dyeing done these days. The girls love to run and peck at anything in the brooder which includes their feed, litter, and newspaper lining.
I have never raised chickens before, and I am amazed at how quickly they grow and mature. These little girls were small balls of fluff just two weeks ago when I brought them home, and now they have feathers sprouting all over their little bodies. Every morning when I go to the studio to clean the brooder and give the girls fresh food and water, they have grown taller and added more feathers.
They love to run around the brooder and flap their little wings trying them out for what little flight chickens actually do. They also like to peck and any and everything in the box including the walls, thermometer and one another on occasion. These little girls are a true source of entertainment in the studio. They should be moved into their new coop by the time the ranch opens to the public on Memorial Day weekend, so you can visit with them as well as the alpacas when you stop by.
We look forward to seeing you. in May.